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Mercurial (HG) - a distributed, cross-platform version control system written in Python.


The repository server address depends on the server number. For server, the address will be, for server -, for server - etc. The address has been used in examples.


After logging in to the administrative panel, repository management is located in the Repositories tab. After clicking, a list of repositories is displayed. To add a repository choose + Add repository, then select Repository type and Visibility and click + Add.

DevilWEB - adding a new repository


Repository configuration HG is also possible from the SHELL using the devil repo module.

Adding and Removing Repositories

Adding a repository is done using the command: devil repo repository add hg REPO_NAME VISIBILITY, where the arguments are:

  • REPO_NAME - the name of the repository
  • VISIBILITY - visibility: pub (public) or priv (private)

The repository will be available at the address Removing the repository is done using the command: devil repo repository del hg REPO_NAME VISIBILITY. To display a list of repositories, use the command: devil repo list.

Modifying the Repository

Changing the visibility of the repository is done using the command: devil repo repository change hg REPO_NAME VISIBILITY, where the arguments are:

  • REPO_NAME - the name of the repository
  • VISIBILITY - visibility: pub (public) or priv (private)

Adding and Removing Users

Adding user accounts is done using the command: devil repo account add hg REPO_NAME USER_NAME, where the arguments are:

  • REPO_NAME - the name of the repository
  • USER_NAME - the login of the repository user

Deleting an account is done using the command: devil repo account del hg REPO_NAME USER_NAME. To display a list of repository users, use the command: devil repo list hg REPO_NAME

Changing Password

Changing a user's password is done using the command: devil repo account passwd hg REPO_NAME USER_NAME, where the arguments are:

  • REPO_NAME - the name of the repository
  • USER_NAME - the login of the repository user

Mercurial project website