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MongoDB is an open, non-relational database management system written in C++. Data is stored as JSON style documents which allows applications to process them more naturally while maintaining the ability to create hierarchies and indexes. Management is available from the administration panel, after logging in to SSH with the command devil mongo and the available console applications, through the panel RockMongo and using adminMongo which can be installed on your account.


The access address to the MongoDB databases depends on the server number. For the server it will be the address, for the server -, for the server - mongo2 etc. In the examples the address was used.


After logging in to the administration panel, the management of MongoDB databases can be found in the MongoDB tab. After clicking, the list of MongoDB databases is displayed. You can change the password for each database.

MongoDB databases

New database

To add a new database, click + Add database and fill in the database name and password fields on the next page.

Add Baze MongoDB


MongoDB configuration is also possible from SHELL using the devil mongo module.

Adding and removing base

Adding the MongoDB database is done with the command devil mongo db add DB_NAME, where the argument is:

  • DB_NAME - database name.

A user with the same login as the database name will be created automatically. After executing this command, you will be asked for a password.

Removing the MongoDB database is done with the command devil mongo db del DB_NAME, where the argument is:

  • DB_NAME - database name.

Change the user's password

Changing the password of the MongoDB database user is done with the command devil mongo passwd DB_NAME, where the argument is:

  • DB_NAME - name of the database to which the password is changed.

List of bases and users

To get a list of all databases and users, use the command devil mongo list.


All the following operations must be performed after logging in to the account via SSH.

  • Database dump to /usr/home/LOGIN/dump/DB_NAME directory:

mongodump -d DB_NAME -u DB_NAME -p

  • Importing the database what was dumped in the /usr/home/LOGIN/dump/DB_NAME directory:

mongorestore -d DB_NAME -u DB_NAME /usr/home/LOGIN/dump/DB_NAME -p